I do it my way - Moravian cakes

Domáci kvások mi raz doniesol brácho, ktorý doma robieva chleba. Najskôr som sa musela zoznámiť s kváskovaním, ale už som pochopila, že prvoradé je nezabudnúť kvások nakŕmiť a neurýchliť kvasenie. Preto to robím tak, ako kedysi naše prastaré mamy - som trpezlivá, musím si premyslieť deň vopred, či bude piecť, kvások zarábam deň vopred a čakám - ale na druhej strane, využívam aj výdobytky dnešnej doby a na domácu pekárničku nedám dopustiť.  
♥ One day, my brother brought me a home made yeast. He is used to making home made bread. First, I had to get to know what the home made yeast was about. However, I have already understood that the main things are: do not forget to feed the yeast and do not speed up the yeast making. That´s why I do it the same way as our great-grandmas - I am patient, I must think about my baking one day before, I start making the yeast one day before and I wait - but, on the other hand, I take advantage of modern times and I use the home bread baking machine and can´t say a bad word against it.
Kvásková základ si robím z 1/3 múky v recepte + vody/mlieka a cukru. A čakám do ďalšieho dňa. 160g špaldovej múky, 2-3 lyžičky cukru a cca 100 ml vody/mlieka.

Na druhý deň dám do pekárničky najskôr sypké a potom tekuté veci: 
340g múky, 110g cukru, trošku soli, 2 vajíčka izbovej teploty, 100g roztopeného masla, 200ml teplého mlieka, zarobený kvások.

Pekárnička sa nám postará o vymiesenie a vykysnutie. Cesto má byť vláčne. Miesenie na začiatku kontrolujem, ak je cesto riedke, prisypem ešte múku. 

Po cca 2 hodinách je cesto vymiesené, nakysnuté a ja ho dám na podložku. Vyvaľkám a pohárom vykrajujem koláčiky. V strede urobím jamku, do stredu dám lekvár, okraje koláčikov potriem žĺtkom. Pred pečením dám navrch posýku: 6PL PH múka, 6PL kryštálový cukor a 0,5dcl oleja.
Pečieme vo vyhriatej rúre na 180-200°C cca 35minút.

♥ I make the yeast essential from 1/3 of the flour which is in the recipe, I add some water/milk and some sugar. Then I wait till the next day.
160g flour, 2-3 tea spoons of sugar and cca 100 ml of water/milk.

The next day, I put into a home bread baking machine firstly the powdery ingredients, then the liquid ingredients: 
340g flour, 110g sugar, a little salt, 2 eggs (room temperature), 100g melted butter, 200ml hot milk, the yeast essential.

The machine will arrange everything necessary: kneading and rising. The dough has to be  smooth. At the beginning, I control the kneading and if it is necessary I add some more flour. 

After cca 2 hours (there is a programme on your machine for making the dough) the dough is ready. I put it on the baking mat. I roll it out and I cut the cakes using the glass. I make a hollow in the middle and I put some jam into it. I think the plum jam is the best, but you can also use some curd cheese mixed with some sugar if you want. I spread with the whipped egg the edges of the cakes. Before baking I sprinkle with some streusel: 6 soup spoons of flour, 6 soup spoons of sugar and 0,5dcl of oil - mix everything with your fingers and sprinkle over the cakes.
We bake the cakes on 180-200°C for about 35minutes.



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